December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2024 4:11:05 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","pilots shredtyphon"] [attr="class","top"] [attr="class","topimage"] [attr="class","subtextbox"] [attr="class","lyrics"] the beginning and the end [attr="class","border"] [attr="class","postbox"]
ambitious, stupid, tempting. all words that've been used to describe you at various points in time and place. some more so than others, perhaps, but that hardly matters. what are they all, if not all the same?[break][break]
philosophy aside, you've certainly stepped in the right direction. you can see the neurons firing in her brain, drawing up hypothesises and theories and all that sort of sciencey shit. the intellectual sorts like to think themselves above it all, but they're no better than anyone else. for you, the rush of blood and the thrill of the hunt. for them, the surge of dopamine and the unknown becoming known. in the end, it's all just primal feeling, walking down ancient roads, following the instincts engraved deep in the flesh and bone and nervous system.[break][break]
it's those same instincts that cause you to flinch when she mentions the price.[break][break]
fucking hell! some good your status is, huh? it's not enough to be a beast, not enough to be an avatar, not even enough to be the god of the new world. you could be the boss of team rocket itself, and people would still be pestering you for pennies and pokedollars. do the evils of capitalism truly know no bounds?[break][break]
lucky for you, you've still got a line open to the bank of admin fox. that bastard might've backstabbed you in a dozen different ways, but that particular knife hasn't buried itself into your spine yet. so, best to take advantage of that before he gets around to it, yeah?[break][break]
"whatever your cost, consider it paid."[break][break]
hundreds of thousands of millions of pokedollars consigned to oblivion by six words. and yet, in the face of their noble sacrifice, not a single tear rolls down your cheek. instead, you glance down to your brute bonnet, and then back to absinthe.[break][break]
"so, now what?"
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